Saturday, December 26, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

When striking alumni of the existing seven Amerindic Institutes of Technology (IITs) were drawing up a blueprint to set up a newborn IIT, the government itself had announced plans for newborn IITs in the reaching eld to denture existing gaps in technical education.

Prime Minister of Bharat Dr. Manmohan Singh in August this year unveiled a organisation to set up eight IITs for a revolution in the field of present education system.

The IIT mission would therefore be in line with that long-term objective of bicentric government.

Higher education in Bharat got a big increase with eight newborn IITs to be set up at a total cost of Rs.60.80 billion ($1.5 billion). New IITs had been authorised in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Punjab, and Rajasthan.

Among them, six IITs hit already started their academic sessions this year, patch the another two - authorised in Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh - are expected to start operations from the 2009-10 academic years.

To secure that the IITs function properly, the government has authorised 30 power posts per year for each newborn IIT. It has also specifically authorised the post of a Director in each of these IITs in the evaluate of Rs.

26,000 (fixed) and a post of Registrar in the evaluate of Rs.16,400 -22,400 for each newborn IIT. The Cabinet has also decided to raise the evaluate of all existing seven IIT Directors from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 26,000 (fixed).

Three existing IITs — Guwahati, province and metropolis — hit been made mentor institutions for the education institutes at Patna, Medak and Rajasthan respectively. Technical power from the Guwahati and province IITs are deployed to teach at makeshift campuses at Patna and Medak. I

IT Rajasthan doesn’t even hit a makeshift campus, and has started functional from its mentor’s campus at IIT Delhi.

With 6 newborn IITs functional this year, foreign expansion of IITs is put on hold. The HRD ministry has said that Syria’s vision of an IIT in its capital will hit to wait for some time. There are mixed responses from experts on these newborn IITs.

Prime Minister’s initiative to establish eight newborn IITs has drawn flak from his scientific adviser CNR Rao, who said that the inaugural of so many IITs is going to be a disaster. Even striking alumni of IITs are concerned about IIT brand value.

raise questions about operations of newborn IITs. The one problem which bothers all newborn IIT directors is that of finding calibre teaching staff.

As per the government, the creation of newborn IITs will enable supplying of high calibre Amerindic education for more students. It would also address state and region specific technology related problems of states and UTs situated in the IITs’ Zones.

Prominent IIT Prof. Joshi said the newborn IITs hit created opportunities. Recently in a gathering at Patna he said, a sort of magnificent students who might hit not made it due to limited sort of seats will now be able to join in IITs.

Putting divagation initial problems and effective difficulties, these institutes are expected to address high calibre manpower requirements of Amerindic industry.